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Welcome to New Saint James Missionary Baptist Church

Experience the legacy of our church, serving the community since 1898. Join us for worship and fellowship in our v sanctuary.

New St. James Missionary Baptist Church

A Historical Journey

New St. James Missionary Baptist Church has a rich history that spans from its organization in 1898 to the present day. Over the years, the church has experienced growth, changes in leadership, and renovations, all while remaining dedicated to its mission and serving the community of West Augustine.

Founding Years and Early Leadership

St. James Baptist Church was established on April 3, 1898, under the leadership of Rev. S. S. Saunders and Deacon F. E. Mitchell. The original trustees were Franklin Mitchell, Isaac Bell, Henry McNair, D. Erwin, J. W. Murray, and John Harris. Following Rev. Saunders' passing in 1915, the church faced a period where information about it was scarce.

Rebuilding and Remodeling

In 1914, the sanctuary was rebuilt under the leadership of Rev. E. L. Harrell and Rev. A. B. Demps. Later, Rev. John Gunn took over as the pastor. In the mid-1950s, under the leadership of Rev. and Sis. E. D. Brown, the sanctuary underwent remodeling. Subsequently, in the late 1970s, the sanctuary was remodeled once again under the leadership of Rev. and Sis. J. C. Shannon.

New Leadership and Renovations

In 1982, Rev. Nathaniel Jackson was called to shepherd the congregation of New St. James. Under his leadership and alongside First Lady Cassandra Jackson, the church underwent significant transformations. In 1985, the exterior of New St. James was renovated, with new doors added to the sanctuary entrance. Additionally, a wing was constructed to serve as a dining hall.

The New Sanctuary and Continued Growth

In September 1994, the old sanctuary was razed, making way for the construction of a new 10,000 square foot sanctuary on the same site. Throughout the construction process, the congregation held services at the Willie Galimore Center and Zion Baptist Church. Finally, on October 22, 1995, Pastor Nathaniel Jackson led the New St. James congregation in a triumphant march from "Vision to Victory" as they entered their new sanctuary.

Expanding Facilities and Community Impact

Following the completion of the new sanctuary, the N. T. Walker Human Resource Building was constructed and became available for use on June 1, 1999. This addition further expanded the church's capacity to serve the congregation and the community of West Augustine.

Through its history of renovations, rebuilding, and growth, New St. James Missionary Baptist Church has remained committed to its mission of worship, service, and community impact. With each new chapter, the church continues to strive toward its vision of being a beacon of hope and renewal in the West Augustine area.

Leaders of New Saint James

New St. James is proud to have called the following, "Pastors," during its lifetime:

* Rev. S. S. Saunders 1891

* Rev. E. L Harrell 1914

* Rev. A. B. Demps 1918 - 1929

*Rev. John Gunn 1940

* Rev. C. J. Watkins 1944

* Rev. E. D. Brown 1950 - 1978

* Rev. J. C. Shannon 1979

* Rev. E. D. Brown 1981

* Rev. Nathaniel Jackson 1982 -

*Rev. Arthur Williams

*Rev. W. E. Brown 2018 -2020

*Rev. R. A. Wilson is current Pastor

Welcome to our Services

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photo of brown church
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group of people waving their hands
Join us for worship
Experience our community
cathedral interior
cathedral interior
Connect with our ministries

Explore our diverse range of services including worship, community events, and ministry programs. Join us in celebrating our rich history and deep-rooted faith. Come be a part of our welcoming congregation. Service Times

​​​​​​​Prayer Meeting Tuesday Night @ 6:00 pm

Sunday School @ 8:45 am

Sunday Worship @ 9:45am

Discover the warmth and fellowship of our church community. From inspiring worship services to engaging community activities, there is something for everyone. Get involved in our ministries and make a difference in the lives of others.Mission Statement: Impacting the World with Jesus' Authority and Power

At New Saint James Missionary Baptist Church of Saint Augustine, our mission is to become effective believers who walk in the authority and power of Jesus Christ. Guided by His teachings, we are committed to making disciples of all humanity and introducing Jesus to everyone we encounter. Our primary focus is to have a profound impact on the world by leading individuals into a genuine, extraordinary, and everlasting life-changing relationship with Jesus Christ.

Walking in Jesus' Authority and Power

We recognize that as believers, we have been entrusted with the authority and power of Jesus Christ. Through our faith and reliance on Him, we strive to walk in His footsteps, emulating His teachings, and demonstrating His love and compassion to the world. By living out our faith authentically and with conviction, we aim to be a powerful testimony of God's grace and transformative power.

Experience the transformative power of faith in action at New Saint James Missionary Baptist Church. Our dedicated team is here to support you on your spiritual journey. Join us and be uplifted by our vibrant and inclusive congregation.

Worship Through Giving: Our Heartfelt Devotion

At New Saint James, we believe that giving is more than just a practical aspect of worship. It is a spiritual act of surrender and devotion to God. By offering our resources and hearts to Him, we express our gratitude and love, acknowledging His provision and lordship in our lives.


E. Stanley Jones, in his book "The Way to Power and Poise," emphasizes the significance of prayer as a means of aligning oneself with God's purposes and accessing His power. According to Jones, prayer opens up possibilities in the universe that are contingent upon our participation. He suggests that certain things remain undone unless we pray and actively engage in bringing them to fruition. Jones highlights the concept that prayer is not merely a passive act, but rather an active partnership with God. By entering into prayer, we position ourselves to cooperate with God's intentions and allow Him to work through us in ways that would not be possible otherwise. Prayer becomes a powerful tool through which God's power is released into the world. In this open universe, God invites us to participate in His plans through prayer. He has intentionally designed it so that our involvement and intercession are vital for certain things to be accomplished. Our prayers have the potential to make a tangible difference, bringing about transformation, healing, and the fulfillment of God's purposes. Jones' words remind us of the privilege and responsibility we have as believers to engage in prayer. Through prayer, we align ourselves with God's will, tap into His power, and become active participants in His work in the world. Let us recognize the incredible impact that prayer can have and embrace this opportunity to partner with God to bring about His purposes on Earth.

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religious concert performed by a band on stage
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white and red concrete cathedral
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man sitting on pew chair
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white printed paper

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